Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weblog 8

Following are the two debate queries.  Please provide both sides of the issue for each query with references.  (1000 words).

2.) The evolving capabilities to speak out and criticize the Chinese government using microblogs and other Internet social media will lead to more and greater freedoms for the Chinese people.


Chinese government limits it's citizens' rights to freedom of speech and the amount of truth that's in the media by censoring and actively monitoring blogs, news and other media outlets. People would like to tell the truth about what is really happening in the country but they can't because the government censors every media outlet because they do not want to information to get out and become public. That's where the micoblogs come in. I am not exactly sure how they work and why they are not censored but they are not and the people of China can express their anger and the truth about what is happening in the country. The rest of the world loves the microblogs because they can get the real unaltered news and if something bad is happening in the country other nations can act on the injustice and the infringement of laws and more importantly basic human rights and needs. While the microblogs are not censored the government certainly knows about them, and because of that it is very important for people to be careful and not say the wrong things because they may end up in jail or to be never heard of again. However because the microblogs are some how uncensored it shows that people are slowly finding ways around the censorship and the "great firewall". In my eyes the use of microblogs will eventually begin a protest and/or a revolution and will overthrow the government or at least gain some more just laws in the future years.


Although a lot of Chinese people use the microblogs to let out their anger and let the rest of the world know what is truly happening in the country it could cause more harm than good. While the microblogs exist and are being used, the government still monitors and kind of controls them. I say kind of because the government can control what is being put on these microblogs by telling the journalists that they will get in trouble and punished if they publish something that the government disapproves. Also there are tens if not hundreds of agencies and groups that the government hires to monitor the blogs and edit any posts that they disapprove of. If the government became fed up with the information that is being put on those blogs they could easy set harsh consequences for these actions that would discourage people from using those services. Government already knows that its citizens are discontented with the way things are and voicing these concerns over the internet will not accomplish anything, it will only make things worse by newer and stricter laws and consequences. If the people of China truly wanted to rebel, EVERY SINGLE citizen would have to take action and voice his/her opinion and displeasure at once in hope of a big outrage and achievement more freedom or rights that way.

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